Test bench and special machine certification and calibration. Mechanical and electronic assistance, maintenance service and planned calibration of the product.

  • Calibration and certification of test benches

  • Mechanical and electronic support
  • Programmed maintenance
  • On-line extranet long-time agreement


All the activities need the updating of the machine life book (MLB), which contains the history of all the operations performed by the machine during its entire life, the MLB must be updated at each change or calibration of the machine. The customer can find all the information logging-in on a specific web page available on the Excogita web site. In addition, it is possible to download all the technical datasheet related to the product (manual, certificates, images, etc.) or to directly activate other available services.

This is the most innovative approach used by machines supplier. The archive is available on-line through personal account, moreover, if the machine needs urgent maintenance, an emergency procedure can be activated, even directly by the user through the machine console. This task reaches the best performances when combined with remote assistance, available on request.



Mechatronic, thermodynamics and fluid dynamics engineering analyses. Development of innovative products and processes, design and drawings. Prototyping and reverse engineering.

Design and development of innovative products: “From the idea to the product”, for the entire pre-competitive development cycle. Feasibility study, preliminary models, technical drawings, engineering, prototyping, restyling, final project. Innovation and revision of products, machines, machinery and production lines. Technical consulting : analyses, calculation, design and construction drawings of machines and electronic equipment. Finite element approach FEM, CAE, CAD and CAM. Design and technical drawings of electronic, pneumatic and hydraulic implants for machines or electronic components for power and control, standard or custom. Support and consulting for production management. Methods and technologies of processes. Material technology. Organization of logistic and production. Measure systems, calibration, metrology, laboratory testing.


Feasibility analysis and sustainability, patents and intellectual properties.

Feasibility analysis and planning consulting for innovative mechatronic solutions, economic feasibility of strengthened solutions and techno-economic projections of improved products, consulting for the realization of customised solutions and automatic system integration, for complex layouts.

Study and design of thermodynamic systems. Design and dimensioning of thermal energy conversion and production systems, management of thermal energy for production plants, independent refrigeration systems or combined to production lines. Analysis and optimization of existing solutions and design of innovative solutions through mono-dimensional analytic modelling.


Development of preliminary functional models, rapid prototyping, modelling and virtual simulation.

Acquisition, combination, structuring and application of scientific, technological and commercial knowledge and capabilities oriented to the realization of production plans, projects or drawings, processes or new services, modified or improved. All these activities include the realization of the base project, technical drawings, business plans and other documentations, also for commercial purposes. Prototyping is a set of industrial technics oriented to the development of a prototype.

Independently of the way it is developed, the prototype is the first element of a series. It can be conceptual, functional, technical or of pre-series; it can solve different tasks within in the company: it enable the evaluation of costs, cycle time, market needs and more. Application of an innovative or improved production or distribution methodology (including relevant changes in technics, equipment and/or software), application of an innovative organizational method of the working place or of external relationships. Choice, design and supply of machines, equipment and test benches in order to test the prototypes or the first functional models, initial test and production validation.

The “pre-competitive development” can be seen as the concretization of the results of industrial research activities, each activity oriented to the design, testing, development and pre-industrialization of new products, processes or services i.e. significant changes in products, production lines and processes to reach considerable improvements of the existing technologies. These activities also focus on the realization of pilot, demonstrative or non-commercial projects. Through such activities the industrial research meets entrepreneurial ideas, aiming to the real growth of the productive and social system of a Country.

Our technologies, available in the laboratories, are the traditional Milling manufacture CAD-CAM, new 3D PRINTING technology, ABS prototypes. Moreover we have a long-time collaboration with specialized manufacturer in the field of stereolitography, sintered nylon, pre-series from silicone mold, aluminium micro-melting, 3D scanning, sublimation technics and more. Thanks to these capabilities we provide solutions for different industrial sectors: METALMECHANIC, STEEL INDUSTRY, MANUFACTURING, MOLDING, SCIENTIFIC, ACADEMIC, PATENTING, BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, ARCHITECTURAL, GEOLOGICAL, MEDICAL, ORTHOPEDIC, ODONTOIATRIC, AERONAUTICS AND AEROSPACE, MILITARY, AUTOMOTIVE, NAVAL, SHOE INDUSTRY, FORNITURE DESIGNER, CERAMIC, ADVERTISING and more….


Adaptation to standards of machine and retrofitting, “turnkey formula”.
Technical documentation for CE Marking, manuals, datasheet, technical software development.

Thanks to our production department we offer a complete service for machine adaptation to standards, including check list and updates, implementation of protection equipment, electric system update, and more. Technical Consulting for the compliance with Machinery Directive, with technical standards, CE marking of machines and products. A common problem for several companies is the difficulty to provide products complete of the required technical documentation. Thanks to our capability of direct customer support and “turnkey formula” we can offer additional services for technical documentation, promotions, translation and Internet advertising. Realization of the technical documentation for new or already existing machines. Design and realization of safety systems.


Energy and requirements analysis, technical and economic feasibility for savings and energy efficiency.
Design and testing of plants.
Performance measurement and validation. Energy independence and guaranteed results.

Excogita establishes an unique partnership with each of its customer. The target is: to realize a competitive advantage for energy savings and efficiency improvement. While the customer develops its own core business, Excogita improves the production and the distribution of thermal and electric energy through customized solutions:

  • Energy independence through the realization of co-generation and three-generation plants;
  • Energy requirements management in order to reduce the time needed by the customer to focus on its own business, results are guaranteed.
  • Realization of co-generation systems at the Customer location, preparing the ground to operate in the best conditions, even in case of malfunctioning or accidental events.

The type and quality of the service is mainly planned in collaboration with the Customer and the energy distribution is guaranteed according to the chosen conditions for the entire duration of the contract. Thanks to the remote assistance, it is possible to check and manage the plant performances, making the Customer able to find, in real time and from each place, all the information about the plant operation. Usually the first activity is the so called ENERGETIC AUDIT, that is the consumptions and energy requirements analysis in order to determine the possible strategies of savings and efficiency improvement.
Typical services include:

  • Adoption of co-generation and three-generation systems;
  • Thermic insulation of buildings;
  • Installation of high efficiency enlightening devices;
  • Adoption of high efficiency electric motor;
  • Installation of heat recovery systems;
  • Adoption of systems for consumptions management BMS (building Management Systems) and Eco-management.

For each developed activity the technical specification of the component and the quality of the service will be described in a specific document in order to satisfy the Customer in terms of plant availability and reliability. Excogita selects the best technologies for savings, efficiency improvement and energy production, creating the best conditions to manage the production and distribution of electric and thermal energy. The contracts are based on guaranteed performances and savings, in so doing it is possible to create a partnership oriented to costs reduction, converting the efficiency in Customer‘s profit.

In several cases the Customer can reach the energy independence through the realization of co-generation and three-generation plants even through the energy recovering of processes or by the exploitation of industrial waste or directly through green energies. In this case Excogita can also offer INTEGRATED ENERGY SERVICES:

  • Analysis of energy requirements;
  • Analysis of technical and economic feasibility of savings and efficiency projects;
  • Definition of the financial structure of a project;
  • Design of the energetic rationalization activities;
  • Management of the services delivery;
  • Measurement and verify of the guaranteed performances;
  • Realization of reports and technical data sheets about the obtained performances.

The contract INTEGRATED ENERGY SERVICES is planned to reduce the total Customer costs through specific activities:

  • Core business focalization;
  • Reduction of the total energy costs;
  • Outsourcing of the energy management;
  • Energy independence;
  • Reliability of the results;
  • Complete documentation.